
The purpose of this article is to describe the motivation structure of IT professionals in Latvia from two points of view: from the point of view of IT specialists themselves and from the point of view of HR managers working on attracting and managing IT specialists. The theoretical foundation of this approach is based on McClelland theory of learned needs. This study uses theoretical approach, focused on understanding of individuals’ needs and considering people’s achievements as the main motivational factor. According to this theory, in order to motivate an employee to work efficiently and maintain his devotion to the company, it is necessary to understand his unsatisfied need and offer opportunities for its constant satisfaction. The results of the research show that IT professionals are a group of people whose needs for achievements and needs for belonging dominate. Needs for power are presented slightly. For effective management of this professional group, managers should create comfortable conditions for them. Minimize control, focus on what people do, not how they do it. Provide very accurate information about the project goals, restrictions, stages and deadlines. Clearly formulate expectations of labour productivity and obtained results, minimize routine connected with reports.

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