
One of the main tasks of modern higher education is to train specialists with a high level of competence who can constantly work on themselves.
 The relevance of the research topic is due to the need for continuous professional development of future dentists and the motivation of their training, and the development of an active life position in modern society.
 The purpose of our work is to study aspiration peculiarities of IFNMU students and interns to the successful and versatile improvement of personality.
 The personal qualities of the doctor provide comfortable psychological contact with the patient and maintain professional activities dedication. Communicative competence is the subject of special research in the field of future doctors' training. Professional communication is considered to be one of the components of the general culture of relations and contributes to the successful career of a specialist in any sphere of activity, especially the medical one.
 The problem of forming and maintaining educational interest to master the future specialty of students and interns continues to exist. Motivational components and factors that affect the professional and personal development of the future doctor increase with each year of study, and this process should not stop for life. It’s effectiveness depends on the forms of the material presentation.
 The presence or absence of positive motives in students and interns have a significant impact on educational activities. Insufficient motivation cannot contribute to the formation of their high professional realization. Therefore, a genuine and persistent desire to acquire knowledge and skills should be the starting point in the formation of a highly qualified healthcare professional.
 The main factor influencing the interest in the education of students and interns is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities, which will form the foundation of professional activity in the future. The following factors contribute to increase the motivation of learning: the method of learning the material, its content, teaching methods; usage of problem tasks at each stage of the class; application of interactive technologies.
 Our analysis showed that gaining knowledge among students and interns is dominated by professional motives: to become a highly qualified dentist and to find a job that meets personal desires in the occupation of their choice.
 Thus, learning is more effective when it is motivated, and the activities of students coincide in direction and purpose. As a result, the graduate's professional training becomes successful.
 The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the variety of forms and methods of presenting scientific and practical material. The directions of increasing motivation are as follows: constant improvement and updating of material, the use of interdisciplinary links to understand the importance and practical necessity of each subject in a higher educational establishment, the use of multimedia presentations during practical and lecture classes, work in simulation centers, implementation in the educational process of situational tasks "patient-doctor and doctor-patient" with further discussion and recognition of the flaws of each participants' work.
 The usage of the latest information technologies and simulation centers helps not only to memorize a large amount of theoretical material but also to obtain practical and communication skills which are necessary for a modern doctor.

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