
The most important predictive factor for a successful outcome in Brief Psychotherapy is the motivation of patients to the treatment itself. Against the scarcity of literature on the subject, so far limited to offer standardized tools to assess motivation, applied mainly to education and work's areas, in spite of a possible application in psychotherapy, it was considered necessary to develop a questionnaire ad hoc. It was therefore created a pattern of motivational diagnosis of the problem based on a sequence of questions and answers, which would make possible the classification of each case and then that could lead to the use of a specific method. It is the result of the attempt to create an orderly pattern and that it would be easy to use and then be analyzed. The questionnaire consists of twenty one questions and requires that the patient answers with a "yes" or a "no" to each applicant. It was administered to thirty patients who came from the psychiatric day hospital. The questionnaire was used as a "not standardized thread" in which, through groups of questions, are addressed some central cores: the spontaneous activity, motivation controlled from the outside, motivation directed to an activity that leads to results, motivation to and activity for a purpose, expectations of self-efficacy, the presence/absence of resistance and finally the area of the will. The purpose of this work is to show, bringing a contribution in agreement with the few studies on the subject, how motivation is a key parameter for predicting the effectiveness of a psychotherapy, in this case, Brief Psychotherapy. The study clearly shows how the motivation is the most important positive predictor in the preliminary assessment of a Brief Psychotherapy: results in treatment are most likely to be rapid and favorable if patients are motivated to change andif they are engaged with the therapist.

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