
Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction. D.Y. Dai, R.J. Sternberg, Beyond Cognitivism: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Intellectual Functioning and Development. Part II: Cognition in Motivational and Affective Contexts. C.S. Dweck, J.A. Mangels, C. Good, Motivational Effects on Attention, Cognition, and Performance. E.A. Linnenbrink, P.R. Pintrich, Role of Affect in Cognitive Processing in Academic Contexts. S. Hidi, K.A. Renninger, A. Krapp, Interest, a Motivational Variable That Combines Affective and Cognitive Functioning. Part III: Intelligence and Personality: From Psychometrics and Personal Dynamics. P.L. Ackerman, R. Kanfer, Cognitive, Affective, and Conative Aspects of Adult Intellect Within a Typical and Maximal Performance Framework. G. Matthews, M. Zeidner, Traits, States, and the Trilogy of Mind: An Adaptive Perspective on Intellectual Functioning. M.A. Brackett, P.N. Lopes, Z. Ivcevic, J.D. Mayer, P. Salovey, Integrating Emotion and Cognition: The Role of Emotional Intelligence. Part IV: Development of Intellectual Competencies. J. Pascual-Leone, J. Johnson, Affect, Self-Motivation, and Cognitive Development: A Dialectical Constructivist View. G. Labouvie-Vief, M.M. Gonzalez, Dynamic Integration: Affect Optimization and Differentiation in Development. P.A. Alexander, A Model of Domain Learning: Reinterpreting Expertise as a Multidimensional, Multistage Process. N. Charness, M. Tuffiash, T. Jastrzembski, Motivation, Emotion, and Expert Skill Acquisition. Part V: Intellectual Functioning and Development in Social and Cultural Contexts. B.J. Zimmerman, D.H. Schunk, Self-Regulating Intellectual Processes and Outcomes: A Social Cognitive Perspective. D. Perkins, R. Ritchhart, When Is Good Thinking? J. Li, K.W. Fischer, Thought and Affect in American and Chinese Learners' Beliefs About Learning. D.Y. Dai, Epilogue: Putting It All Together: Some Concluding Thoughts.

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