
Learning motivation is an impulse that arises from within a person consciously or unconsciously to take action with a specific purpose. Selection of appropriate learning media to consider the needs of students and learning. Kahoot game media is one of the suitable ICT-based media because it is easy to use and is a platform that supports distance learning activities. This study examines the learner's perspective on the motivation to learning English using the Kahoot game. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. The researcher uses a Google Form questionnaire to find the motivation to learning English using the Kahoot game from the learner's perspective. Respondents were 35 students, the English education study program at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon in the 2021/2022 academic year. The results shows that in general, there is a positive response that students have the motivation to use the Kahoot game as a medium for learning English. Easy to access, attractive appearance, and is like a game, this is the attraction of Kahoot game to attract interest in learning English. Through the features in the Kahoot game, students admit that there has been an increase in their English skills.

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