
Each research activity certainly has aims and objectives, based on the formulation of the existing problems, the goal to be achieved in this study is to determine student motivation in attending lectures during the online to offline transition based on theoretical and practical courses at sports education at the University of Riau. The population in this study was students of sports education, teaching and education faculty, University of Riau, class of 2020. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, totaling 68 people. The data collection technique used is by giving a questionnaire. From the results of the research process to data processing, it was started by collecting data to conduct trials of research instruments as many as 66 students at the University of Riau stated that the 58 statement items were valid which was expressed by r count > r table (0.239) and reliability test with cronbach's alpha value of 0.741 . after that the researchers tested the research instrument by distributing questionnaires (questionnaires) to 68 samples, namely Riau University sports education students class of 2020 to produce data that was used as a benchmark as a discussion of research results. Student motivation in attending lectures during the online to offline transition based on theoretical and practical courses at sports education at the University of Riau with a percentage of 72.09%.

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