
Education is a process that students can use to develop their own potential.This was a descriptive comparative research which applied quantitative method. The essence of education is learning. There is no education without learning activities. Student learning motivation is influenced by the cultural background. By Slovin formula followed by simple random sampling technique, 200 students were choosen as the sample at SMP Negeri 1 Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar in Academic Year 2015/2016. The data gathered were analyzed by using descriptive statistic and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance). The result of the research indicated that: The students' learning motivation with Malaynese cultural backgrounds are in the high category; The students' learning motivation with Javanese cultural backgrounds are are in very high category; and There is no significance different attention of parents between with Malaynese and Javanese cultural backgrounds, while there are siginificant differences in learning motivation. Learning motivation among students who Malaynese cultural backgrounds and Javanese cultural backgrounds. between the students' cultural backgrounds Malaynese and Javanese


  • Pendidikan merupakan proses yang dapat dimanfaatkan siswa untuk mengembangkan potensi diri

  • When you observe that your students are motivated, you usually can discover the source of the motivation”

  • Noordhoorn (2010:14) menjelaskan sebagai berikut; Intrinsic motivation is not initiated by a reward from somebody else, but intrinsic motivation appears as a person strives to get a good feeling about himself or when the task is regarded as interesting

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ABSTRACT:Education is a process that students can use to develop their own potential.This was a descriptive comparative research which applied quantitative method. Menurut Goode (dalam Ihromi, 2004), keberhasilan atau prestasi yang dicapai siswa dalam pendidikan tidak hanya memperlihatkan mutu dari institusi pendidikan saja, tapi juga memperlihatkan keberhasilan keluarga dalam memberikan persiapan yang baik untuk keberhasilan pendidikan anak.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Elmirawati (2013) menjelaskaan aspirasi siswa dan dukungan orangtua mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan motivasi belajar siswa.Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian Mawarsih (2013) menjelaskaan terdapat pengaruhyang signifikan antara perhatian orangtua dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMA Negeri Jumapolo. Perbandingan keempat budaya tersebut sangat terlihat berdasarkan pencapaian hasil belajarnya.Jadi, dapat dipahami bahwa keberhasilan seorang siswa dalam pencapaian hasil belajarnya juga dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang budaya dalam lingkungan keluarganya.Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai motivasi belajar siswa yang berlatar belakang budaya Melayu dan Jawa.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa yang berlatar belakang budaya Melayu dan Jawa

Motivasi Belajar
Pengertian Motivasi Belajar
Fungsi Motivasi
Motivasi intrinsik
Motivasi ekstrinsik
Intrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation
Kaitan Budaya dengan Motivasi Belajar
Motivasi BelajarSiswa yang Berlatar Belakang Budaya Melayu
Sub variabel
Melayu Jawa
Bagi Guru BK di sekolah
Bagi Guru Mata Pelajaran
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