
With the increasing need for flexibility and adaptivity in computerized systems, the application of fuzzy expert systems is becoming increasingly commonplace in today's industry. Fuzzy logic expert systems often improve performance by allowing knowledge to generalize without requiring the knowledge engineer to anticipate all possible situations. Thus, for many types of applications, soft such as Fuzzy logic can incur lower overhead in terms of representing and engineering task knowledge. My project investigates the application of fuzzy expert systems to motion tracking. Previous research showed that Fuzzy Logic can be used to track the motion of a brightly colored object against a dark background, with relatively low development and run-time costs. The system I am developing identifies, tracks, and predicts the motion of multiple objects using unique identification patterns against a dark background. My poster will describe the fuzzy inference systems for tracking and motion prediction of such objects. An essential step to obtaining the fuzzy inputs for the motion tracking fuzzy inference system is to use convolution correlation data to obtain the centers of mass of the objects. Image processing information from the region around the center of each object provides good fuzzy inputs for recognizing object patterns and determining orientation. I am investigating two fuzzy inference systems for motion tracking and prediction in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. In the long run, I hope to exploit the strengths of both by dividing the task between the two approaches. The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is effective for pattern recognition. Fuzzy Proportional Derivative (FPD) is useful for computing errors and tuning inferences. Cascading the two fuzzy systems allows the system first to acquire generalized patterns and then fine-tune them for error tolerance. To perform this work, I am using the Matlab fuzzy logic toolkit, which is a simple and flexible tool for designing fuzzy inference systems.

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