
Abstract A new model of Pacific absolute plate motion between 140 and 0 Ma, generated in the fixed hot-spot frame of reference, has been used to track palaeogeographic positions of the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) from the time ( c. 122 Ma) and location ( c. 43°S) of its formation to its present location north of the Solomon Islands. The resulting OJP seafloor flow-line suggests that changes in Pacific plate motion, passage over hot spots and Pacific Rim tectonism all have influenced the continuing structural development and deformation of the plateau. Satellite-derived gravity, bathymetry and Rayleigh-wave tomography potentially reveal the structural fabric of the OJP and adjoining Nauru Basin, including the orientation of probable fracture zones, location of possible relict spreading centres and the presence of a thick lithospheric root, as well as possible later hot-spot-related modification of the fabric. The most recent phase of OJP deformation, which began about 6 Ma, accelerated at 2.6 Ma and continues today, has resulted in the uplift of the islands of Malaita and Santa Isabel, and the formation of the Malaita Anticlinorium, with slip along the old fracture zones possibly triggering submarine canyon formation on the NE side of the OJP. This collision-related deformation also is probably responsible for the ongoing uplift and tilting of the islands of Nauru and Banaba NE of the OJP high plateau.

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