
The motion of the solid particles in the enclosed cavity is important, to investigate the interaction between the motion of the solid particles and the fluid flow, the motion of a neutrally buoyant elliptical particle in a lid-driven square cavity is studied with the lattice Boltzmann method. To understand, predict and control the motion of the elliptical particle, the effects of the aspect ratio, initial orientation, initial position, particle size and Reynolds number are studied. The obvious characteristic of the motion of the elliptical particle in the square cavity is the existence of the limit cycle, which is created by the inertia of the elliptical particle, confinement of the boundaries of the square cavity and vortex behavior. Compared with the circular particle, with the increase of the aspect ratio, the roundness of the limit cycle decreases, namely, the limit cycle becomes flatter. Especially, the limit cycle is insensitive to the initial orientation and position, namely, the limit cycle is the same no matter where the elliptical particle is placed initially. With the increase of the particle size, the confinement of the boundaries becomes stronger, and the limit cycle is squeezed toward the center of the square cavity. Finally, with the increase of the Reynolds number, the vortex at the top left corner develops, and the limit cycle is pushed toward the bottom right corner of the square cavity.

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