
In rural communities of Africa, a mother carrying a bundle of firewood, witha child strapped on her back and another toddling behind her is commonidentity. It is a reflection of abject poverty happening at the same timewomen astronauts in America are leading teams to outer space! In Brazil,about 42 percent of the work force is women, and, a Newspaper in Sao Paulocalled mothers who raise children full-time an “endangered species”implying that this category of women will soon disappear in the economy ofBrazil! This is one reason Brazil is today one of the fastest growingeconomies of the Third World. These women contribute in no small way tofamily and nation building. It is for this reason that this study sought neededreforms/innovations in motherhood/gender education in enhancingattainment of the Millennium Development Goals in Africa for sustainabledevelopment. In doing this, responses of 1,672 working mothers, randomlyselected from North, South, East, and West Africa were analyzed whichidentified top among ten others as providing mid-day heavy meals forchildren at school, free formal and continuing education for mothers, freetransportation for children to and from school, free well-equipped hospitalsinside schools.

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