
We determine the geometrical properties of the most probable paths at finite temperatures T, between two points separated by a distance r, in one-dimensional lattices with positive energies of interaction ε i associated with bond i. The most probable path-length t mp in a homogeneous medium ( ε i = ε, for all i) is found to undergo a phase transition, from an optimal-like form ( t mp ∼ r) at low temperatures to a random walk form ( t mp ∼ r 2) near the critical temperature T c=ε/ ln 2 . At T> T c the most probable path-length diverges, discontinuously, for all finite endpoint separations greater than a particular value r ∗(T) . In disordered lattices, with ε i homogeneously distributed between ε− δ/2 and ε+ δ/2, the random walk phase is absent, but a phase transition to diverging t mp still takes place. Different disorder configurations have different transition points. A way to characterize the whole ensemble of disorder, for a given distribution, is suggested.

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