
Abstract: With the advent of new media, print newspapers have also made a presence on the web. Through the findings of this study, researcher has been able to understand the future of print newspapers and e-newspapers in India. Since literacy rate is still growing and internet penetration is taking place but is slow, there is still time for e-newspapers to be fully accepted but gradually with increase in use of technology, print newspapers would meet the fate of their western counterparts. According to Robert Logan, new media possesses of features like interactivity, mutual form of communication and performs some metrics. Most of the traditionally existing media has been found to be mass media. New media technology differ from traditional existing media in terms of greater focus on interactivity. New media technology have made people greatly participative and they generate news content and information, through various available options. Information on new media is easily accessible and can stored as well. It is also hyperlinked so that reader can get more details. It is usually available through the search engines also.

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