
A field star, HD 61199 (V ~ 8), simultaneously observed with Procyon by the MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) satellite in continuous runs of 34, 17, and 34 days in 2004, 2005, and 2007, was found to pulsate in 11 frequencies in the delta Scuti range with amplitudes from 1.7 down to 0.09 mmag. The photometry also showed variations with a period of about four days. To investigate the nature of the longer period, 45 days of time-resolved spectroscopy was obtained at the Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg in 2004. The radial velocity measurements indicate that HD 61199 is a triple system. A delta Scuti pulsator with a rich eigenspectrum in a multiple system is promising for asteroseismology. Our objectives were to identify which of the stars in the system is the delta Scuti variable and to obtain the orbital elements of the system and the fundamental parameters of the individual components, which are constrained by the pulsation frequencies of the delta Scuti star. Classical Fourier techniques and least-squares multi-sinusoidal fits were applied to the MOST photometry to identify the pulsation frequencies. The groundbased spectroscopy was analysed with least-squares-deconvolution (LSD) techniques, and the orbital elements derived with the KOREL and ORBITX routines. Asteroseismic models were also generated. The photometric and spectroscopic data are compatible with a triple system consisting of a close binary with an orbital period of 3.57 days and a delta Scuti companion (HD 61199,A) as the most luminous component. The delta Scuti star is a rapid rotator with about vsin i = 130 km/s and an upper mass limit of about 2.1 Msun. For the close binary components, we find they are of nearly equal mass, with lower mass limits of about 0.7 Msun.

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