
Maritime moving target imaging using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) demands high resolution and wide swath (HRWS). Using the variable pulse repetition interval (PRI), staggered SAR can achieve seamless HRWS imaging. The reconstruction should be performed since the variable PRI causes echo pulse loss and nonuniformly sampled signals in azimuth, both of which result in spectrum aliasing. The existing reconstruction methods are designed for stationary scenes and have achieved impressive results. However, for moving targets, these methods inevitably introduce reconstruction errors. The target motion coupled with non-uniform sampling aggravates the spectral aliasing and degrades the reconstruction performance. This phenomenon becomes more severe, particularly in scenes involving multiple moving targets, since the distinct motion parameter has its unique effect on spectrum aliasing, resulting in the overlapping of various aliasing effects. Consequently, it becomes difficult to reconstruct and separate the echoes of the multiple moving targets with high precision in staggered mode. To this end, motivated by deep learning, this paper proposes a novel Transformer-based algorithm to image multiple moving targets in a staggered SAR system. The reconstruction and the separation of the multiple moving targets are achieved through a proposed network named MosReFormer (Multiple moving target separation and reconstruction Transformer). Adopting a gated single-head Transformer network with convolution-augmented joint self-attention, the proposed MosReFormer network can mitigate the reconstruction errors and separate the signals of multiple moving targets simultaneously. Simulations and experiments on raw data show that the reconstructed and separated results are close to ideal imaging results which are sampled uniformly in azimuth with constant PRI, verifying the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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