
Mosquito vector of human diseases associated with artificial containers in the Surrounding of Imo State Polytechnic Omuma, were studied between the months of May 2023 to August 2023. The collection of larvae of mosquitoes from the artificial breeding sites identified in the study area were done using dipper (ladle) constructed locally. Eight different sites designated (A- H) were used for the study. A total of 712 mosquitoes were identified, after larvae collected from the sites were reared to adult stage. They belong to three (3) genera of four (4) Species. They include Anopheles species 161 (22.6%), Aedesaegypti, 168 (23.6 %), Aedesalbopictus 148 (19.9 %) and Culexquinquefaciatus241 (33.8%). Site G recorded the highest percentage occurrence of species 131(18.4%) while Site A recorded the least with 63 (8.8%) mosquitoes. Results from different sites was not significantly different when compared for species abundance at p value ˃0.05. Species abundance was also compared among the months used for the study to statistically determine the month that has the highest abundance of species in the study area. Public health implication of different species encountered in the study area were determined using standardized keys. Considering the abundance of the anthropophilic mosquitoes in the study area, regular surveillance and preventive measure on these disease vectors should be encourage, hence there is need for further study on the mosquitoes found in the study area for control and prevention of possible disease outbreak.

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