
A huge role in the dissemination of Muslim religious knowledge was played by the mosque schools раса madras and hujra (hIuzhra- (الهجرة. However, in the pre-revolutionary era, in many rural societies of the former Zakatala district, as in many regions of the North-Eastern Caucasus), there were special premises  abodes of tarikat brotherhoods, which also called "hujras" (. (الهجرة These premises were not educational institutions in the classical sense. Such premises could be houses built at the expense of villagers, patrons of the arts or at the expense of a separate clan (tukhum), bearing the names of this tukhum This could be the house of a mullah or a religious figure, kindly given for religious needs or for holding various religious events, including Tariq rituals. In the article offered to the readers' attention, on the basis of field material, an attempt is made to study the construction of khujras, both mosque schools and monasteries on the example of lying enunciated Jar municipality of Zagatala region of RA. The author of the article ignored issues related to the Muslim education system, programs, methods and teaching methods, since these issues are the subject of a special study. The article contains information about the construction of hujras, analyzes a number of inscriptions found during the collection of field material, gives a polygraphic description of the inscriptions, comments, translation, transliteration. On some hujras, inscriptions were not preserved, or were not applied at all. Of course, in this case, the author resorts to the help of oral folk legends.


  • Религия является одним из важных этномаркирующих признаков любого народа, определяющим его мышление и повседневное поведение

  • There were a number of tariqa abodes in many villages

  • They would often be built at the expense of the villagers

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Религия является одним из важных этномаркирующих признаков любого народа, определяющим его мышление и повседневное поведение. Что начатая нами работа по изучению ранее неизвестной арабской эпиграфики Закатальской зоны вводит в научный оборот новые сведения, имеющие отношение к историческому прошлому народов региона [1, с. Одним из таких заведений была мадраса, основанная Малла-Мухаммадом ал-Голоди[4], жившим в XVII веке. 4 Малла Мухаммад ал-Голоди (1611–1696) – известный мусульманский ученый и просветитель XVII века.

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