
The evolution of clerical work and the development of the administrative apparatus in the Moscow principality from the 14th century to the early 16th century are discussed. A characteristic feature of the Muscovite state, the basis of its administrative apparatus, was the prikaz system. Of interest is the stage of its “hidden” functioning, the period of its origin, and the causes and prerequisites for its appearance. The forerunners of the state apparatus of the Muscovite period were the princely treasury and the chancellery. The study of the activities of these institutions and their evolution can go in two directions: an analysis of their direct product, that is, the documents originating from these chancelleries, or clarification of the biographies of the employees of chancelleries and their areas of competence, social ties, and status. The systematization of this information shows that the development of clerical work in Moscow was more intensive than in the other principalities of the region. During the 14th–15th centuries, significant changes took place in almost all areas related to clerical work. Some of the innovations were accepted in the chancelleries of other principalities, some were never implemented. The key to Moscow’s success in the struggle for dominance in Northeastern Russia was the intensive search for new solutions that increased the efficiency of clerical work, information protection, and attention to the distribution of areas of competence and specialization. During the 14th–15th centuries we see the examples of the implementation and use of various certification technologies and options for improving or optimizing clerical work processes. The appearance of paper in Russia was the key moment, the starting point for the implementation of these experiments and the introduction of innovations. Cheap writing material made it possible to benefit more than in the past from the expansion of controlled territories. Taken together, all the consequences of the emergence of paper and increased management efficiency led to the dominance of the Kalitovichs in Northeastern Russia and the creation of a strong, effective regular state.

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