
In tests conducted on large plots of several square kilometers on the Island of Hawaii in 1965-66, aerial foliar applications of specific male lures, mixed with naled as toxicant and either Myverol® or CAB-O-SIL® as extenders, showed promise for use in male annihilation programs against the melon fly, Dacus Cucurbitae Coquillett, and the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). When cue-lure containing either of the extenders was applied at rate of 1.2-1.4 kg/km2 (6.7-8 Ib/mile2) of formulatioin in flight lines 152 m (500 ft) apart, catches of male melon flies in plastic traps were reduced 99% for 9 days after treatment. Medlure containing either of the extenders applied at the rates of 2.8-3.8 kg/km2 (16-22 lb/mile2) in lines only 76 m (250 ft) apart gave short-lived (less than I week) reductions of 92-94% of the male Mediterranean fruit fly.

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