
This study attempted to unfold, perhaps for the first time, the problem of childhood mortality resulting from trauma in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This study was carried out in the Umtata and Ngqeleni magisterial districts, which have a combined population of about 400,000. Most people there have very few resources and have historically relied on money repatriated by migrant workers. In the Transkei region, unemployment is at a very high level: 48.5%. Assault on children is very common in this region, and this may result in death. The aim of this study was to establish the state of deaths resulting from pediatric trauma, and to formulate recommendations that could probably help prevent or reduce these deaths. The objective was to gather epidemiologic information on the victims of pediatric trauma. The study was designed as a descriptive study, using reviews of traumatic deaths in pediatric age groups during the period January 1993 to December 1999. This study was carried out on cases that were brought to the medicolegal laboratory at Umtata General Hospital, Umtata, in the Transkei region of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. There were 6181 autopsies conducted from 1993 to 1999. All the medicolegal autopsies were divided into two groups: pediatric (15 years of age or younger) and adult (older than 15 years). Of the autopsies, 89.4% (n = 5587) were in the adult group, and 10.6% (n = 594) were in the pediatric group. Of the pediatric deaths, 64% (n = 383) were related to trauma. The highest numbers were in the 11- to 15-year (n = 146, 38%) and the 6- to 10-year (n = 135, 34%) age groups. Of the children who died of trauma, 112 (28%) were aged 0 to 5 years. Unintentional injuries from motor vehicle accidents were the leading cause of death (59%), whereas intentional injuries (41%) were associated with murder. Nearly a quarter (22%) of pediatric traumatic deaths were due to penetrating injuries: stab (12%) and gunshot (10%) wounds. Most of the pediatric deaths occurred during the festive months of December, January, and April; the death toll during these months was three to four times higher than in the rest of the year. It was concluded that 64% of pediatric deaths in the Transkei region were the result of trauma. This represents 1 pediatric trauma death for every 10 adult trauma deaths. Forty-one percent of the child trauma deaths were due to intentional injuries, usually murder. It is recommended that the government set targets and put into place strategies for the reduction of pediatric deaths due to trauma. The different deaths so called "rule of reversal" could be considered as an indicator of social health.

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