
A RECENT examination by E. O. Höhn of the recovery dat of mallards (Anas p. platyrhynca) ringed under the British Birds marking scheme shows an intresting difference in length of survival of birds siged as adults as compared with those ringed as young (British Birds, 41, No. 8 ; August 1948). Ringing recoveries of 305 adult mallards showed that 65·3 per cent died during the first year after ringing, 23·9 per centr during the second year, 6·6 per cent during the third year and 4·2 per cent during subsequent years. The average length of further survival from the date of ringing was one year and two months. Of 828 mallards ringed as young, 89 per cent died during the first year after ringing, 9·6 per cent during the second year, 0·6 per cent during the third year and 0·8 per cent during succeeding years. The average period of survival was 4·5 months after ringing. The mortality recorded by Höhn is almost entirely due to shooting.

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