
We pursue the analogy of a framed flow category with the flow data of a Morse function. In classical Morse theory, Morse functions can sometimes be locally altered and simplified by the Morse moves. These moves include the Whitney trick which removes two oppositely framed flowlines between critical points of adjacent index and handle cancellation which removes two critical points connected by a single flowline. A framed flow category is a way of encoding flow data such as that which may arise from the flowlines of a Morse function or of a Floer functional. The Cohen-Jones-Segal construction associates a stable homotopy type to a framed flow category whose cohomology is designed to recover the corresponding Morse or Floer cohomology. We obtain analogues of the Whitney trick and of handle cancellation for framed flow categories: in this new setting these are moves that can be performed to simplify a framed flow category without changing the associated stable homotopy type. These moves often enable one to compute by hand the stable homotopy type associated to a framed flow category. We apply this in the setting of the Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type (corresponding to Khovanov cohomology) and the stable homotopy type of a matched diagram due to the authors (corresponding to sln Khovanov-Rozansky cohomology).

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