
This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters and the biomass flow and structural characteristics of BRS Massai and BRS Tamani grasses under different irrigation conditions. The rating of gas exchange, biomass flow and structural characteristics were performed in dry periods and dry/rainy season, under the water supply of 30; 60; 90 and 120% of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement 4x2 (water supply and grass). The experiment was conducted in pots with capacity for 7.5 dm³, using as substrate layer of 0-0.2 m soil. There was no effect (P < 0.05) between the gas exchange in the dry period, having the largest growing parameters of irrigation schemes. In the transition period of dry/rainy, we observed a reversal behavior in relation to the dry period, showing a rapid recovery of grasses under the minor water supply. It was observed quadratic behavior to concentrations of CO2 in the leaf mesophilic (Ci) with maximum point to the BRS Massai grass and minimum point to the BRS Tamani grass, where the major and minor Ci were 119 and 48 ppm in the water supply of 107 and 35% of ETo, respectively. In relation to the biomass flow, the BRS Tamani grass presented greater stem elongation rate and leaf senescence rate in relation to BRS Massai in both periods assessed. In the dry period, we observed a higher biomass production of green leaf blades in the BRS Tamani grass, while in the transition dry/rainy season, the results for this variable were similar, and at the same time that observed higher accumulation of green culm biomass to the BRS Tamani grass, which certainly affected its structure. It is concluded that the application of a minimum daily water supply of 30% of ETo allows the maintenance of BRS Massai and BRS Tamani grasses without incurring the death of tillers and reduction of regrowth vigor, whereas the water supply of 90% of ETo favors the morphophysiological characteristics, especially of BRS Tamani grass.

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