
Twenty-four accessions belonging to the genusCytisusand allied taxa were characterized by adult plant morphometry. Twenty-six characters were measured in flowers, 9 in leaves, and 5 in fruits. Two data sets were prepared, the first including only floral parameters and the second with all the parameters. Two different multivariate analyses were carried out for every data set: cluster analysis and principal components analysis. All these studies produced a similar grouping of the operational taxonomic units. Four clear groups were defined: (i)Cytisophyllum sessilifolium;(ii)Cytisus baeticus, C. reverchonii, C. scoparius., (iii)Chamaecytisusspecies; (iv)Genistaspecies. On the other hand,Cytisus villosusshowed an intermediate position betweenCytisusandChamaecytisus, andCytisus heterochrousand C.purgansan intermediate position betweenCytisusandGenista.This grouping agrees with that obtained by other recent seed morphometry and biochemical studies, and supports the generic arrangement presented by Bisby (1981).

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