
Introduction: Bones can reflect the basic framework of human body and provide valuable information about the biological identity of the deceased. They often, survive the morphological alteration, decay/mutation and decomposition insults. An in depth, knowledge and analysis of variation in clavicular length, midclavicular circumference and weight is imperative for both clinical and forensic anthropological perspectives. Objectives: The present study was done to determine morphometric variability of adult human clavicles by using length, weight and midclavicular circumference parameters. Materials and Methods: 300 pairs of adult human clavicles of known sex obtained from cadaveric dissection and bony collections of anatomy department were utilized for the study. The length, weight and midclavicular circumference were measured. The data obtained was statistically analysed. Results: Gender specific statistical analysis for length, weight and midclavicular circumference was found to be highly significant. The side specific significance was found only in male and in female clavicles for weight and midclavicular circumference respectively. No side specific significance found for length of clavicle. Conclusions: The present study provides morphometric data for North Indians and compares observations with other populations. The study establishes that length, weight and midclavicular circumference of clavicle have a dimorphic potential. This fact can play a decisive role in forensic identifications and clinical interventions. The results are of immense significance for anatomists, orthopedic surgeons and the forensic anthropologists in their professional endeavors.

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