
Our understanding of the functional morphology of the primate supraorbital region is based largely on previous morphometric and in vivo mechanical tests of hypotheses in non-human anthropoids. Prior tests of two structural hypotheses explaining morphological variation in the supraorbital region, the craniofacial size hypothesis and the spatial hypothesis, did not fully consider modern humans. We extend these previous findings to include modern humans by conducting morphometric tests of these two hypotheses in a sample of adult Melanesian crania. Morphometric correlates of structural predictions for the craniofacial size and spatial hypotheses were developed and compared to measurements of the supraorbital region via bivariate product-moment correlations. Measurements of the supraorbital region are significantly correlated with a craniofacial size estimate across individuals from this Melanesian sample. This result supports the prediction of the craniofacial size hypothesis that the magnitude of the supraorbital region is proportional to craniofacial size. The predicted link between the degree of neural-orbital disjunction and the magnitude of the supraorbital region, explicated in the spatial hypothesis, receives mixed support in the correlation analysis. These two results agree with previous research indicating that support for the craniofacial size and spatial hypotheses can be found across and within anthropoid primate species, including modern humans. Correlational support for both the craniofacial size and spatial hypotheses suggests multiple factors influence variation in the modern human supraorbital region. Thus, a single hypothesis cannot fully account for modern human variation in this region. The low bivariate correlation coefficients in this study further question whether existing hypotheses can adequately explain morphological variation in the supraorbital region in a primate population sample. Novel functional, structural, behavioral and developmental ideas must be explored if we are to better understand morphological variation in the modern human supraorbital region.

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