
Watershed prioritization based on erosion risk assessment using morphometric parameters can play an important role in sustainable development of natural resources. Hence, watershed prioritization through an efficient technique is prerequisite for the implementation of conservation measures. The present study makes an attempt to identify the critical sub-watersheds for prioritization in the lower Barpani watershed, India, by using morphometric parameters and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). Morphometric parameters were characterized through the measurement of linear, areal and relief aspects in six sub-watersheds. These parameters helped in analyzing the hydrological and topographical characteristics of the sub-watersheds. Rank of each sub-watershed was assigned by multiplying morphometric parameters values with weights obtained through FAHP. Based on FAHP scores, the sub-watersheds were divided into three prioritization levels: high, moderate and low. The results revealed three sub-watersheds (SW2, SW4 and SW5) for high priority, one sub-watershed (SW6) for moderate priority and two sub-watersheds (SW1 and SW3) for low priority. The FAHP through extent analysis helped to calculate and assign weights to morphometric parameters and proved to be an effective method for watershed prioritization.

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