
Background and Objectives: To determine sex from unknown skeletal remains is vital. Various methods to do this on different bones of human skeleton have been extensively studied. In general male bones are heavier, larger and muscular markings are more prominently seen as compared to female bones. The objective of this study was to find out comparative differences between the right and left clavicles from certain metrical parameters and to enable assessment of sex from unknown clavicles. Materials & Method: Study was conducted with 40 clavicles (right 17 and left 23) of unknown sex from the Department of Anatomy, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally. The study was an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive in nature. The maximum length of the clavicle (in mm) was taken. Results: The length of the left clavicles varies from123 mm to164 mm with an average of 137.83 mm ±7.99mmS.D.The length of the right clavicles varies from126 mm to162 mm with an average 138.71 mm±8.66m S.D. It has been observed that the right clavicle was longer than the left clavicle by 0.88 mm. There was no such single character which can determine the sex of all clavicles. Depending on the length alone, the sex can be decided in 0% male and 0% female right clavicles and 4.35% male and 0% female bones if the left clavicle is considered. Conclusion: The right clavicle was longer than the left clavicle. The determination of sex from the clavicle has a great medico legal significance to the toxicologists. It also helps the anthropologists in their study of evolution of mankind and migration of races. This study is also useful for medico legal and anthropological examination of bones and for academic studies in anatomy.

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