
A study was conducted to ascertain the morphometric changes that occur following pregnancy in sows. Eight large white sows of about 18 months of age were used for the study. They were divided into two groups with each group consisting of four animals and each animal serving as a replicate. Group A was mated while group B was not. The data collected included body weight, abdominal circumference/diameter, length of front, middle and back teats, vulva circumference and length of the vulva. Data collection was at weekly intervals and the study lasted for 15 weeks. The results of the investigation showed significant changes in body weight, abdominal diameter, length of the different sections of the teat and circumference of the vulva of pregnant and non-pregnant sows. On the other hand the length of vulva in the pregnant and non-pregnant sows were not significantly different. Keywords: Pig; sow; pregnancy; large white Animal Production Research Advances Vol. 2 (3) 2006: pp 189-193

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