
In contemporary human population, males exhibit larger size of dentition as compared to females. Additionally, these odontometric parameters show variation in members of same species and also show regional variation. To evaluate sexual dimorphism of four maxillary odontometric parameters such as Intercanine Width (ICW), Interpremolar Width (IPW), Arch Length (AL) and Combined Width (CW) of six maxillary anterior teeth, to determine percentage of sexual dimorphism of all four odontometric parameters singly or in combination and also to determine sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy of odontometric parameters for sex determination. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 subjects (100 males, 100 females). Four odontometric parameters ICW, IPW, AL and CW were measured directly on the subject and the data thus collected was subjected to statistical analysis. Discriminant statistical analysis (d square test) revealed that all the four odontometric maxillary parameters exhibited greater mean values in males as compared to females. The difference was found to be statistically highly significant (p<0.001) for ICW and IPW for sexual dimorphism. Also, combination of parameters such as ICW, IPW further improved assessment. The study concluded that linear odonotometric parameters ICW, IPW along with AL, CW show significant sexual dimorphism. Hence, odontometric parameters offer simple, reliable and cost-effective way of determining sex in any forensic investigation.

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