
INTRODUCTION: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common malignancy of oral cavity. It is usually secondary to usage of tobacco products, smoking, chronic irritation etc. The most common presentation of SCC is painless ulcer, nodule in the oral cavity. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1 Measure the surface area and diameter of nucleoli of benign and malignant cells by morphometric analysis software. 2. Comparison of both values using statistical test and to identify the signicance. MATERIALAND METHODS: Total 60 cases are included in the present study. 30 cases are benign and 30 cases are malignant. The images of benign and malignant cells will be taken from each cases by camera attached to microscopes. The morphometric analysis software is available online as free downloads, will be used for measuring the surface area and diameter of nucleoli. Surface area and diameter of nucleoli of both benign and malignant cases will be compared with chi square “t” test and it signicance is calculated by “p” value. RESULTS: Average size of nucleoli in benign lesions: 13.3 / 30 = 0.44 µm. Average size of nucleoli in malignant lesions: 79.5 / 30 = 2.65 µm. Pvalue: < 0.5, hence signicant difference. DISCUSSION:According to Lee, the size of nucleoli is around 6 micrometer in case of squamous cell carcinoma. According to Malhotra et al, tumor cells of squamous cell carcinoma have prominent nucleoli which measures about 2-3 micrometer or more. It has 97% of sensitivity with p value< 0.001. CONCLUSION: Other than the routine H&E slide examination, an objective parameters of cell morphology measured by software will be helpful in diagnosis the malignant cases.

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