
Morphometric analysis and flash floods assessment were conducted for the watersheds of Ras En Naqb escarpment, south Jordan. The study area comprises of twelve small watersheds occupying the faulted-erosional slopes, and the dip slopes. The drainage network shows that dendritic and sub-dendritic patterns dominated the dip slopes, whereas trellis pattern characterized the faulted-erosional slopes. Stream orders range from fourth to sixth order. The mean bifurcation ratios vary between 4.2 and 5.38 for the dip slope basins, and between 3.5 and 5.0 for the faulted-erosional slope watersheds, indicating a noticeable influence of structural disturbances (i.e., faulting and uplifting), and rejuvenation of drainage networks. All watersheds have short basin lengths, ranging from 23.8 km to 42.2 km for the dip slope basins, and between 15.3 km and 45.4 km for the faulted-erosional slope catchments. This is indicative of high flooding susceptibility associated with heavy rainstorms of short duration. The circularity ratios range from 0.177 to 0.704 which denote that the catchments are moderately circular on the faulted-erosional slopes, and to some extent elongated on the dip slopes. The length of overland flow values ranges from 0.854 to 0.924 for the dip slope catchments, whereas LO values for the faulted-erosional slopes vary from 0.793 to 0.945 denoting steep slopes and shorter paths on both dip slope and faulted-erosional slope watersheds. Values of stream frequency range from 1.509 to 1.692 for the dip slope, and from 1.688 to 2.0 for the faulted-erosional slope catchments. FS values are also indicative of slope steepness, low infiltration rate, and high flooding potential. The watersheds of the dip slopes show lower values of form factor varying from 0.079 to 0.364, indicating elongated shape and suggesting a relatively flat hydrograph peak for longer duration. Similarly, values of Dd are high for catchments on the dip slope basins (1.709 - 1.85) and the faulted-erosional slope watersheds (1.587 - 2.0) indicating highly dissected topography, high surface runoff, low infiltration rate, and consequently high flooding potential. Furthermore, high relief values exist, ranging from 388 m to 714 m for the dip slope basins, and from 421 m to 846 m for the faulted-erosional slope catchments indicting high relief and steep slopes. Morphometric analysis, and flash flood assessment suggest that ten watersheds (83.3%) are categorized under high and intermediate flooding susceptibility, and the faulted-erosional slope catchments are more hazardous in terms of flooding. Thus the protection of Ma’an, El Jafr rural Bedouin settlements, and Amman-Aqaba highway from recurrent flooding is essential to ensure sustainable future development in Ras En Naqb-Ma’an area.


  • Drainage basins represent fundamental geomorphic units for hydrological management and sustainable natural resources development

  • Quantitative analysis of the 12 watersheds developed on Ras En Naqb escarpment was implemented based on 23 morphometric variables which represents drainage network, geometry, texture and relief aspects of the catchment

  • The drainage pattern is dendritic to sub-dendritic type on dip slopes, whereas, trellis pattern dominates the faulted-erosional slopes

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Drainage basins represent fundamental geomorphic units for hydrological management and sustainable natural resources development. Morphometric analysis of drainage basin geometry provides essential information which helps to understand geomorphic evolution of drainage basins, landforms and slopes development [7] [9] [11], and for demarcating erosion-prone areas including landslide complexes. Such information is vital for watershed prioritization for soil and water conservation, and water resources management. The use of ASTER DEM and GIS enables rapid, precise, and inexpensive tools to extract and analyze morphometric data for flash floods assessment and other applications such as hydrology, prioritization of watersheds for soil and water conservation [17]-[21]. Bifurcation ratio, drainage density, and stream frequency parameters have been employed recently to assess flash flooding susceptibility in arid watersheds of the Middle East [22]

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