
Prochaetoderma Thiele, 1902 is a genus of the class Caudofoveata under constant review, with several classifications and synonymizations of species. This genus is represented off the Iberian Peninsula by seven species, among which Prochaetoderma iberogallicum Salvini-Plawen (Iberus 17(2):77–84, 1999) and Prochaetoderma boucheti Scheltema and Ivanov (J Molluscan Stud 66(3):313-362, 2000) can be found. Both species are anatomically very similar and difficult to differentiate. Thanks to the study of new specimens collected in several oceanographic expeditions carried out off Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) and their comparison with the type series of both species, their taxonomical status is clarified and their anatomical study is also completed in terms of body morphology, buccal shield and typology of sclerites.

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