
The study of morphology of Coscinodiscus radiatus from Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay (the Caspian Sea) revealed that among the investigated parameters, the valve diameter was the most variable (variation coefficient CV = 21.2%) at a salinity of 50 to 262‰. The number of areolae in 10 µm on the valve mantle was the least variable characters (CV = 9.6%). The variability of the aforementioned quantitative traits, in comparison with the literature data was revealed. An increase in the valve diameter of C. radiatus at a salinity of 60‰ was noted and a decrease – at a salinity of 216–262‰. Calculation of correlation coefficient between the analyzed morphometric characters revealed a stable positive correlation between the valve diameter and the number of areolae in 10 μm on the valve. Mass development in the Bay conditions allows to characterize C. radiatus not only as a marine euryhaline species occurring in desalinated sea areas, but also as a halophile capable of tolerating wide fluctuations in salinity.

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