
PVCL25 and PVCL40 films have been synthesized by poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) (PVCL) aqueous solution flow coating and complete desiccation below (∼32–34°С) and above (40°С) the coil–globule phase transition temperature (ТPT) and (Hombifine N/PVCL)25 and (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposite films added with Hombifine N (nanoanatase) have been obtained. The films are studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The differences between the compositions and structural characteristics of the PVCL25 and PVCL40 films and (Hombifine N/PVCL)25 and (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposites are found. It is established that the (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposite film desiccated at Т > ТPT contains PVCL globules, inside which nanoanatase associates with ОН groups are located on the nanoparticle surface. These assocoiates are bound with water molecules in PVCL by hydrogen bonds, which makes the (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposite a unique material with physicochemical properties differing from those of (Hombifine N/PVCL)25 nanocomposite.

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