
AbstractThe alimentary canal of cicada Platypleura kaempferi is described. It comprises the oesophagus, filter chamber, external midgut section and hindgut. The elongate oesophagus expands posteriorly, with its posterior end constricting to become a bulb. The filter chamber consists of two parts: a very thin sheath and a filter organ. The filter organ is composed of the anterior and posterior ends of the midgut (internal midgut section), and the internal proximal ends of the Malpighian tubules. The external midgut section differentiates into a collapsed sac and a midgut loop. The latter is divided into three distinct segments. The hindgut contains a dilated rectum and a long narrow ileum. The distal portions of the four Malpighian tubules are enclosed in a peritoneal sheath together with the distal ileum before reaching to the rectum. Ultrastructurally, the oesophagus and the hindgut are lined with a cuticle. The filter chamber sheath consists of cells with large irregular nuclei. Filamentous substances coat the microvilli of the cells of the internal midgut section. The posterior end of the midgut comprises two types of cells, with the first type of cells containing many vesicles and scattered elements of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The anterior and posterior segments of the midgut loop cells have ferritin‐like granules. The ileum cells have well‐developed apical leaflets associated with mitochondria. Accumulations of virus‐like particles enclosed in the membrane are observed in the esophagus, conical segment, mid‐ and posterior segments of the midgut loop.

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