
The morphology of single‐sporangial isolates of lettuce, tomato, mustard, and oat Olpidium brassicae (Wor.) Dang. growing in their respective hosts as well as in cowpea were compared in situ and after extraction from the roots. The sporangia, zoospores, and resting spores of all isolates were within the established limits of the species. Single exit tubes or pores predominated which means that these isolates should not be transferred to the genus Pleotrachelus. A satisfactory assay for the presence of resting spores was developed by air‐drying of the roots for a week or longer. This treatment killed zoospores and vegetative sporangia, but not resting spores. Factors affecting resting spore formation were investigated unsuccessfully. The thermal death point of zoospores of mustard isolates that did not form resting spores was between 40 and 45 C for 10 min.

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