
A growth mechanism is studied by investigating the morphology and structure of ZnO films under different growth conditions and orientations. ZnO films are deposited on )0001) sapphire and quartz substrates by off-axis sputtering deposition at various pressures and temperatures. All films reveal highly textured structures on glass substrates and epitaxial growth on sapphire substrates. X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, and electrical measurements are used to characterize these films. The full width at half maximum of theta rocking curves for epitaxial films is less than 0.5°. In textured films, it rises to several degrees. The morphology on the surface of textured films is of a granular round shape. The epitaxial films reveal flat surface but some hexagonal facets appear when the growth temperature is increased. At a pressure of 150 mTorr, a morphology transition form large flat grains to hexagonal facets occurs at 550°C. Also, the conductivity of films decreases with the increase of growth temperatures.

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