
The archaeocete family Remingtonocetidae is a group of early cetaceans known from the Eocene of India and Pakistan. Previous studies of remingtonocetids focused primarily on cranial anatomy due to a paucity of well-preserved postcranial material. Here we describe the morphology of the known vertebral column in Remingtonocetus domandaensis based largely on a single well-preserved partial skeleton recovered from the upper Domanda Formation of Pakistan. The specimen preserves most of the precaudal vertebral column in articulation and includes seven complete cervical vertebrae, ten partial to complete thoracic vertebrae, six complete lumbar vertebrae, and the first three sacral vertebrae. Cervical centra are long and possess robust, imbricating transverse processes that stabilized the head and neck. Lumbar vertebrae allowed for limited flexibility and probably served primarily to stabilize the lumbar column during forceful retraction of the hind limbs. Vertebral evidence, taken together with pelvic and femoral morphology, is most consistent with interpretation of Remingtonocetus domandaensis as an animal that swam primarily by powerful movement of its hind limbs rather than dorsoventral undulation of its body axis.

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