
The present work report the characterization of twenty-one table grapes candidate cultivars plus five registered ones included as reference, by means of 47 ampelographic traits, 23 ampelometric measurements and six microsatellite loci. The final goal of the research was to analyse the possibility of reducing the number of morphological and molecular tools required for a precise and effective description of a grape genotype or cultivar. This would be of great help for future biodiversity description on a larger sample of more than 300 table grapes accessions today grown at the 'Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura (C.R.A.)-Unità di ricerca per l'uva da tavola e la vitivinicoltura in ambiente mediterraneo (Bari-Italy)'. OIV ampelographic traits showed a clear distinction among all twenty-six genotypes analysed, suggesting the relevant morphological variability investigated. Principal component analysis based on ampelometric traits revealed main veins ON(3), ON(4) and O(3)N(4); ratios between main veins; angles between main veins and of petiolar sinus, to be the most effective records in differentiating cultivars, for a total variation of 69.9% described by the first three components. Molecular analysis based on six microsatellite loci was performed on all genotypes, providing a detailed molecular profile and a dendrogram of genetic similarity, in which all genotypes were clearly distinguishable. Finally, with the goal of using the minimum possible number of markers to differentiate genotypes, microsatellites VVMD5 and VVMD27 were selected to be sufficient to distinguish among all the candidate cultivars included in the analysis, representing a possible 'step by step' approach when a molecular characterization has to be undertaken on a large number of genotypes, by first testing few markers and increasing their number only if necessary.

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