
Acanthobothrium is the most speciose genus of onchoproteocephalidean cestodes, whose adults parasitize the intestine of elasmobranch fishes. Acanthobothrium coronatum, the type species of the genus described from Mediterranean elasmobranchs, remains a little known parasite, with the most recent reports dating back to the fifties. We hereby investigate host-specificity and redescribe A. coronatum from the same locality of its original description by using light and scanning electron microscopy approaches. Moreover, molecular and phylogenetic data inferred from the analysis of the 28S rDNA gene are reported for the first time. Out of the nine elasmobranch species examined from Gulf of Naples, we only detected A. coronatum in the intestine of Scyliorhinus stellaris, with infection patterns that supports evident host-specificity for this shark species. The genetic characterization of 28S rDNA showed 99.8-100% similarity with larvae previously found in Octopus vulgaris from the same area investigated here. Conspecificity between the present material and the larvae found in the octopus was also confirmed by the tree topology. The host-parasite phylogeny is discussed, even if additional molecular data are needed to clarify potential host-parasite patterns. Notwithstanding this limitation, this is the first molecular study revealing conspecificity between an adult Acanthobothrium species from a shark and the larvae found in an intermediate/paratenic host, shedding light on the transmission pathway of A. coronatum in S. stellaris. Finally, the taxonomic, molecular, and phylogenetic data presented here allow a better characterization of a neglected parasite.

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