
Abstract The Brazilian Atlantic Forest has undergone significant transformation, resulting in habitat loss and the endangerment of many species of mammals and other vertebrates. In this study, the presence of fluctuating asymmetry of four anatomical structures of the arboreal rodent Rhipidomys mastacalis was evaluated using geometric morphometrics. The study focused on adult specimens collected in a mosaic of vegetation composed of forested vegetation, occupancy mosaics in forested areas, and cocoa plantations. The results showed significant values of fluctuating asymmetries in all structures and in all areas. The skulls and scapulae showed the highest values of asymmetry in forested vegetation and cocoa plantations, while the mandibles showed the greatest values in forested vegetation, and the pelvis in occupancy mosaics and cocoa plantations. These findings are consistent with previous studies that have evaluated developmental stability in mammals and suggest that high asymmetry values indicate an effect on different phases of ontogeny, which can harm the survival of a species in future generations. Overall, this study provides important insights into the impacts of habitat fragmentation on Rhipidomys mastacalis and highlights the need for conservation efforts to preserve the integrity of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and its diverse range of wildlife.

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