
Objective: to reveal pulmonary morphological changes in acute lung injury (ALI) of varying etiology. Material and methods. An experiment was carried out on 4 groups of albino non-inbred male rats weighing 300—400 g. The following ALI models were 1) acidin-pepsin solution (PH-1.2) aspiration; 2) blood aspiration; 3) blood loss (50% circulating blood volume) concurrent with vascular thrombosis in the microcirculatory bed; 4) artificial ventilation-induced ALI. The duration of the study was 1 hour to 3 days. Histological lung slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin; a Schiff reaction was conducted. Results. All the animals developed interstitial edema, exhibited desquamation of the bronchial epithelium; damage to the capillary endothelium and basement membranes; segmental leukocyte, macrophage, and lymphocyte infiltration of intraalveolar septa, atelectases, hemorrhages, and sludges. Conclusion. Morphological signs in ALI are nonspecific and they do not depend on an etiological factor. Morphological changes in ALI result in damage to the endothelium of lung capillaries and their basement membranes, higher capillary permeability, extravascular fluid accumulation, and protein exudation with the development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Key words: acute lung injury, blood loss, artificial ventilation, aspiration.


  • Модели остром повреждении легких (ОПЛ): 1 — аспирация раствора ацидин пепсина (РН 1,2); 2 — аспирация крови; 3 — кровопотеря (50% ОЦК) в сочетании с тромбозом сосудов микроциркуляторного русла легких; 4 — Искусст венную вентиляцию легких (ИВЛ) индуцированное ОПЛ

  • The following ALI models were 1) acidin pepsin solution (PH 1.2) aspiration; 2) blood aspiration; 3) blood loss (50% circulating blood vol ume) concurrent with vascular thrombosis in the microcirculatory bed; 4) artificial ventilation induced ALI

  • Morphological changes in ALI result in damage to the endotheli um of lung capillaries and their basement membranes, higher capillary permeability, extravascular fluid accumulation, and protein exudation with the development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema

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Morphological Signs of Acute Lung Injury of Varying Etiology (Experimental Study) У всех животных развивался ин терстициальный отек, отмечалось слущивание эпителия бронхов, повреждение эндотелия и базальных мембран капилляров, инфильтрация межальвеолярных перегородок сегментоядерными лейкоцитами, макрофагами, лимфоцитами, выявлялись ателектазы, кровоизлияния, сладжи. Objective: to reveal pulmonary morphological changes in acute lung injury (ALI) of varying etiology.

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