
This paper entitled “Morphological processes and Active/passive Derivational morphemes in producing and deriving novel linguistic data” is an attempt to investigate the activeness of a certain group of Derivational morphemes in Kurdish language which are the derivative suffixes of group nouns of cluster morphemes: place nouns and profession nouns. Another important aspect of this research is that it depends on data and statistics for investigating the active/passiveness of those morphemes used as a sample in the research. Besides, it has followed a new linguistic method which is Generative linguistics. As for the structure of the research, apart from introduction and conclusion, it consists of two parts. The first part deals with explaining morphological processes and the role of Derivational morphemes in enriching the lexicon. The second part takes as a sample the Derivational morphemes of the two group morphemes (derivative morphemes of place nouns and derivative morphemes of profession nouns). Both concepts of active and passiveness are explained with regard to the two cluster morphemes.

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