
Morphological changes in the late-embryo-stage gastrointestinal tract of Nigerian indigenous chicken were investigated using anatomical techniques. The paraffin-embedded sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid Schiff-Alcian blue (pH 2.5) stains. During the late pre-hatch period, the framework of the stomach was already established, but glands were yet poorly developed. Randomly oriented pre-glandular cells in the lamina propria mucosae at embryonic day (ED) 14 became organized into elongated simple tubular glands at ED 19 and assumed adult morphology at post-hatch day (PD) 1. Acidic and neutral mucin deposits were associated with the glandular cells. In the small intestine, enterocytes of the tunica epithelialis mucosae transformed from cuboidal-shaped cells (at ED 14) to tall columnar cells (at PD 1). Short crypts of Lieberkühn, goblet cells, microfold cells and enteroendocrine cells were evident at ED 19, while the lamina propria mucosae and submucosa contained mesenchymal cells, reticular cells and isolated lymphoblasts. Similarly, the crypts, lymphoblasts, mesenchymal and reticular cells were also associated with the lamina propria mucosae and submucosa of the caecum and colorectum at ED 19. It was inferred from these findings that extensive cellular and tissue modifications occur in the gastrointestinal tract within the narrow window of the late pre-hatch period. The definitive gut tunics, epithelium, glandular tissues, immune-competent cells and tissues are formed as a result. Thus, the embryonic gut of the bird is made capable of assuming its necessary functions of food digestion, nutrient absorption, water and ion re-absorption, immune surveillance, antibody production and immune responses at hatch.

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