
Annotation. According to the set goal of the work, we analyzed the results of morphological studies of atherosclerotic plaque in patients with occlusive-stenotic diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities as a consequence of obliterating atherosclerosis. The material of the study was fragments of the arteries of 12 patients affected by atherosclerotic plaque, taken during open surgical interventions on different arterial segments, and in 8 cases, autopsy material of atherosclerotic plaques of the femoral and tibial arteries was selected. The histological research method is applied. It is established that atherosclerotic plaque in the process of its development goes through a number of stages from lipid spot to atheromatosis, calcification and fibrosis with the development of complications such as ulceration, hemorrhage, thrombosis. In addition, the severity of atherosclerotic plaque leads to vascular stenosis and significant local or systemic hemodynamic changes, and thus determines the indications for a particular type of surgery for occlusive-stenotic diseases of the main arteries.

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