
Symbiotic associations are of a wide significance in evolution and biodiversity. Green hydra is a typical example of endosymbiosis. In its gastrodermal myoepithelial cells, it harbors individuals of unicellular green algae. Morphological characteristics of isolated algae determined by light and electron microscopy are presented. Cytological morphometric parameters (cell area, cell radius, chloroplast area) of isolated algae from green hydra (Cx), as well as from reference species Chlorella kessleri (Ck) and Chlorella vulgaris (Cv), revealed similarity between the isolated endosymbiont and C. kessleri. Isoenzyme patterns of esterase (EST), peroxidase (POX), and catalase (CAT) were used for the investigation of genetic variability in endosymbiotic algae isolated from green hydra. Out of 14 EST isoenzymes observed in Cx species, 9 were expressed in the Cx sample. Results of the EST isoenzyme analysis indicated a higher degree of similarity between Cx and Cv than between Cx and Ck. Due to much higher heterogeneity, EST isoenzymes seem to be more suitable genetic markers for identification of different Chlorella species than CAT and POX isoenzymes. Results obtained suggest that symbiogenesis in green hydra has probably not been terminated yet.

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