
Raquel A. F. Neves ¹*, Jean Louis Valentin and Gisela M. Figueiredo ¹Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ecologia (PPGE-UFRJ) Laboratorio de Zooplâncton Marinho Av. Professor Rodolpho Rocco 211, Cidade Universitaria, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. CEP: 24949-900 *Corresponding author: raquelneves@ufrj.br Hydrobiidae family (Caenogastropoda) has a global distribution in the intertidal zones of lagoons and estuaries (KABAT; HERSHLER, 1993). They constitute a diverse group of gastropods consisting of more than 1000 species (BOSS, 1971) and they play an important role in the benthic food web (KABAT; HERSHLER, 1993). In South America, Heleobia australis (Orbigny, 1835) is the dominant species of the Hydrobiidae family and it is an important food source for many species (ALBERTONI et al., 2003). Heleobia australis occurs in estuarine systems and coastal lagoons from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the Rio Negro, Argentina (SILVA; VEITENHEIMER-MENDES, 2005), and it forms dense populations that reach up to 40,000 ind./m² (BEMVENUTI et al., 1978). It is a gonochoristic species with internal fertilization and the sperm may be stored for some time before fertilization, as described for other Gastropoda (KOHN et al., 1987). As protostomes, H. australis has spiral and determinate cleavage. Their eggs have an animal-vegetal polarity that defines the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo (COLLIER, 1997; NIELSEN, 2004). Related species deposits their egg masses from which pelagic veligers develop (SOLA, 1996), and H. australis has been observed to present a similar development (pers. observation). In order to better understand ecological, behavioral and taxonomic aspects of organisms it is important to know their morphological characteristics throughout their life cycle. However, studies of Hydrobiidae life cycles are still rare, particularly as regards their development from eggs to veliger larvae. For H. australis, despite its abundance, no stage of development has yet been described. This is thus the first study to describe the development of this species from egg to hatching by continuous observation. The characterization of this stage may help in the identification of the species. KOHN et al. (1987) suggested using pigmentation and velar lobe shape to identify living specimens. Heleobia australis was sampled in two areas of Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) (22°84’S 043°20’W; 22°76’S 043°20’W) using a Van-veen grab (0.05 m²) in May and September, 2009. The sediment in the regions sampled was muddy (silt-clay), without any vegetation, and had a low dissolved oxygen concentration (VALENTIN et al., 1999). Egg masses were separated from thirty adults and kept in covered 150-ml Petri dishes with filtered (0.07 µm) sea water at 23°C, the same temperature as that recorded in the natural habitat. Then the eggs were isolated and classified according to their stage and maintained under the same conditions. A few eggs in each stage were observed daily and photographed using a Canon camera attached to a Zeiss Axiostar optic microscope. The images were then analyzed and the embryos measured using the Carl Zeiss imaging solutions program Axio Vision (V 4.5). The egg masses were observed attached to the adult shells (Fig. 1A), which is typical of the Hydrobiidae. Breeding seems to occur year-round in Guanabara Bay. As with other species of Hydrobiidae, mature females lay their fertilized eggs in capsules (or egg masses), preferably on live shells of their own species (FISH; FISH, 1974), but they may also be laid on dead shells, shells of other species, on sand grains, or algae (ANDERSON, 1971). The egg masses of H. autralis were yellow and consisted of capsules, each one containing one white egg that developed into a veliger larva. The number of eggs per egg mass varied between 10 and 15 (n=30). Some eggs had not completed their development and different development stages were to be found in the same egg mass; embryos in the initial stage of development and post-hatching capsules were observed in the same egg mass. Despite not being possible to determine the timing of development of each stage, the stages were classified in accordance with the development proposed by Russo and Patti (2005). A. Pre-division phase: egg before the cleavage. The capsules are of spherical shape and compact. The egg diameter was of about 80 µm and the capsule about 120 µm (Fig. 1B; n = 15).

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