
The larynx is in the lower respiratory tract and has the function of protecting the airways, controlling, and modulating breathing, assisting the circulatory system, and vocalizing. This study aims to describe the anatomy and histology of the skeleton of the larynx and trachea of the species Chelonia mydas, Caiman yacare and Caiman latirostris. The study was conducted at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), using nine specimens of Ch. mydas, 20 of Ca. yacare and four of Ca. latirostris. Samples of the larynx and trachea were collected, fixed, and sent for dissection of the structures and subsequent macroscopic analysis. For histology, samples were processed by the routine paraffin embedding method and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Verhoeff. For the three species, two arytenoid cartilages, a cricoid cartilage, a hyoid apparatus composed of a base and two horns were found. In Ch. mydas, two structures called thyroid wings were observed, not found in crocodilians. The trachea of crocodilians presented incomplete tracheal rings and musculature, while the trachea of Ch. mydas presented complete tracheal rings. Histologically, the entire cartilaginous skeleton of the larynx of the three species, as well as the tracheal rings, are constituted by hyaline cartilage.

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