
The aim of this study was to compare the morphological features of processus vaginalis (PV) and hernia sacs obtained from boys with undescended testis and inguinal hernia, respectively, in order to investigate whether these structures have similar histology. Samples of PV (n=61) and hernia sacs (n=68) obtained from boys operated for undescended testis (n=58) and inguinal hernia (n=64), respectively, were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for optical qualitative microscopy analysis. The histological structures of each group of samples were compared by a pathologist blinded to the specific pathology. The most prevalent histological findings were connective tissue, smooth muscle, mesothelium, nervous elements, striated muscle and mesonephric remnants with no statistical differences between the groups. The amount of smooth muscle was greater in the hernia sac group where it appeared as a layer. In contrast, the smooth muscle present in the form of sparse bundles around the connective tissue in the PV. Sacs obtained from boys with inguinal hernia and PV obtained from boys with undescended testis shares a similar histology except for the amount of smooth muscle when analyzed qualitatively by optical microscopy using hematoxylin-eosin stain.

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